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Welding machine for garage and car service
Car service welders must be light, compact and compact – they often work in inaccessible places. They must be resistant to adverse environmental conditions (varnishes, greases, dust, metal filings, etc.). The devices themselves should have a compact and shock- and impact-resistant housing. They should have long power cables and power cords with high-quality insulation, which facilitates work if the device has to be moved frequently. The device should also be easy to operate, ensuring quick and easy change of welding parameters.
It is worth mentioning the type and thickness of the welded material – based on this, you can select the optimal device for your application.
It is also important to have an electrical installation. The 16A protection often prevents the use of less energy-efficient transformer welding machines. In comparison, transformer welding machines up to 160A require 20-25A protection and inverter welding machines 16A.
MIG equipment
MIG berendezések – Paton
A very important parameter is the working cycle of the welding machine. It indicates how long we can weld the machine in a 10-minute welding cycle.60% of the welding cycle at maximum power means we can weld the machine at maximum power for 6 minutes, then we have to stop working for 4 minutes to avoid overheating the machine.
It is worth noting what elements the welder is equipped with, whether it contains the necessary wires and handles to be able to use the machine immediately.
The welding equipment department of the E.O. Paton Institute of Electrical Welding to meet the needs of small and large automotive workshops offers devices that optimally meet the above criteria. Devices of this type include:
ADI series – TIG DC and TIG AC/DC TIG DC and TIG AC/DC
PSI series – MIG/MAG DC
Essential features of Paton welders
Professional welding machines used In intensive working conditions
Essential features of Paton welders
A key feature of PATON machines is their low weight (ADI-5.7 kg; PSI-10.8 kg), which allows them to move freely. Both ADI-200 S DC TIG/MMA and PSI devices are equipped with a 3 or 4-metre cable holder from German manufacturer Abicor Binzel. The set includes high-quality 3 or 4-metre ground cables with a current-carrying capacity of more than 300A. In automotive workshops, the most commonly used equipment is a semi-automatic welding machine, less frequently a TIG and MMA welding machine. The most commonly welded elements are thin metal sheets of mild steel, low-carbon steel, high-pressure steel up to 4 mm thick (floors, metal sheets, thresholds, skeleton and support structure). The ideal device for the welded type of components is the PSI series flashing.
If we want to weld thin aluminium sheets, galvanised, stainless steel (suction hood, car hood – aluminium sheet and galvanised), we should use a TIG welding machine.
When welding aluminium elements, we should use a welding machine with AC function. Galvanised sheets and stainless steel can be welded with a TIG welding machine equipped with a DC function.
Therefore, the TIG AC/DC ADI 200 is the ideal device for combining AC and DC functions. PATON’s TIG and MIG/MAG machines allow us to obtain high-quality welds, both for welding common low-carbon metal sheets and for welding stainless steel and aluminium. An important feature in TIG devices is contactless ignition thanks to the built-in HF function. The non-contact event is the initial ignition of the arc without touching the workpiece by means of a built-in high-voltage generator. The spark jump between the tungsten electrode and the workpiece is the beginning of the welding process. Lack of HF function affects welding quality and frequent damage to the tungsten electrode. A very important function when welding thin metal parts is the built-in pulse. Pulse TIG welding is used when welding parts less than 1.5 mm thick, where it prevents burning of thin material. Pulse TIG welding is also used for welding stainless steel. The pulse affects the reduction of the heat affected zone and thus the lack of discolouration of the material.
Professional welding machines used In intensive working conditions
The TIG ADI-200S welding machine has many useful functions in addition to the aforementioned pulsation, whose values can be easily changed on the LCD display. Among the main functions of the device are: initial gas flow, starting flow, current rise time, current fall time, crater filling flow, final gas flow, welding current regulation, current pulsation frequency and filling factor. The ability to fine-tune each of the above parameters makes it possible to obtain a very high-quality weld.
Using the MIG/MAG method, we weld unalloyed and low-alloyed steels mainly in CO2 and CO2 gas shielding, Ar+CO2. High-alloy steels are welded in an argon shield with 1÷3% O2 or 2÷5% CO2. Argon, helium or their mixtures are used to weld all metals, in practice to Al, Mg, Ti, Zr and other metals and their alloys. MIG/MAG Pulse welding is designed to facilitate the control of the welding process in spatial positions other than the bottom, as well as the welding of non-ferrous metals and the control of melt thickness, which is especially important when welding thin materials.
MIG/MAG devices from PATON are universal devices with a migrator, TIG and MMA welding machine. Built-in additional TIG and MMA functions extend the range of applications. MIG/MAG support and the ability to weld powder wire (ability to change the polarity of the migrator) are the device features to note.
The above MIG/MAG, TIG, MMA inverter welding machines are designed for use in intensive working conditions in workshops and automotive service. The possibility of precise regulation of each parameter of the inverter device, the stability of the arc, small dimensions that allow the possibility of using such devices in any place, high reliability, are the features that make this kind of devices are sought after by automotive industry professionals. Precise control of the welding parameters and high arc stability affect obtaining a reliable and high-quality weld that is of particular importance in the automotive industry.
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